Last evening, when I had a moment to spare, I came up with a few drafts for a logo for this blog. The default design of this WordPress theme is based on an uppercase title and an uppercase tagline, like this:
The font is “Open Sans”, which is part of the Google Webfonts package and available here.
Now, since my other (main) blog also has this (Tusker) elephant, I wanted to reuse this symbol and create a new logo for this blog that would contain the JKE in the Open Sans font:
The problem: fonts in a logo are not my most favourite thing. And in this case the lowercase version was even worse. You’ll also notice the empty space below the logo and the date entry of the first post which is meant to provide the room for the tagline. Taglines are ok, but on this blog with its mission as a tumbleblog/microblog, there is no real need for a tagline.
So I created a few more drafts and then came up with this:
Booyakasha! Instant love.
My mate Sasan, an exceptionally gifted artist, now contributed the following draft – which looks equally sweet, if not even better.
What do you think? Which is the best logo for this site?
(I may use Sasan’t logo for something else, though. Yes, it’s that good. Who knew our beloved tembo would be upgraded to such higher glory when I scanned the original from a Tusker beer coaster in 1997 and put it online on the first Tusker tribute page back then).