Smarter laptop design, part 1

The positioning of the power socket within the plastic frame instead of a pcb may be related to costs, but this way it also won’t break off from a pcb (which is a common problem … Read more →


  If able, I would probably have voted for someone else, but I would still like to take this opportunity to thank Uhuru Kenyatta for the SEO improvement my domain has since experienced. Also, … Read more →

Michael Braungart on c2c at TEDxRheinMain

Michael used to be my professor at university and I am glad that he could make it to Rhein-Main area for this talk. He’s talking about P-recycling, btw. ___________________


Eurodance u die Eltern in der Ecke hier fangen alle an zu tanzen – aber mut Dixi Toilette. Gefällt mir. ___________________

Hilfreiche Mails, Teil 1

Neues aus der beliebten Serie: Hilfreiche E-Mails. Heute Teil 1: “Benachrichtungs E-Mails ohne Inhalt.” Wieso sollte die Arbeitsagentur auch besser sein als Xing, nich? (so eine Mail verschickt das System automatisch, sobald man mit dem … Read more →